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Revision Detail

The Revision Detail dialog box is opened by selecting Detail in the Revision History dialog box. This dialog box provides detailed information about an order revision (e.g. Revision Amount, Date/Time, Authorized by, Reason, etc).

Some of the fields that are normally completed in the Revision Authorization dialog box are editable in the Revision Detail dialog box. In the event that you made a mistake, or had omissions, when you transferred the revision, you can edit the following fields:

  • Revision Date - Fills in automatically with the date that the revision is created. Change the date, if necessary, by selecting a new date from the pull-down choice list.
  • Initiated by - Choose Shop or Customer.
  • Written by - Choose a Service Writer from the pull-down choice list.
  • Authorized by - Defaults to the customer name. Change by overtyping as necessary.
  • Reason - Reason for the revision.
  • Phone (Called) - Phone number at which the customer was reached to approve the revision.
  • Time (Called) - Time that the revision was created/approved. This field defaults to the time that the Revision Authorization dialog box was opened.

See also...

Revision Authorization

Revision Screen